Think Digital has collaborated with AMPC (Australian Meat Processor Corporation), the specialist R&D provider for meat processors in Australia, to improve biosecurity practices across the meat processing industry using collaborative virtual reality to train their staff.
To combat challenges faced by the industry, such as high staff turnover and English as a second language, these interactive virtual reality training experiences are intended to support the traditional written manual or verbal presentation. First person interactive training has proven to be a more effective means of upskilling workers as it allows the user to practice real-world scenarios instead of just reading about them.
Innovation in the meat processing industry, such as using virtual reality (VR) and extended reality (XR) to train staff, also aims to attract the next generation to consider a career pathway in the Australian meat industry.
First-person experience isn’t the only way we are revolutionising training in the industry; utilising XR technology has also allowed us to create a collaborative virtual reality environment for staff to train in. Real time collaboration between trainer and trainee, who can speak to each other and interact as avatars within the virtual environment, provides the opportunity for direct feedback on technique to be communicated to the learner.
Check out a walkthrough of the Beta release below.
We have created 5 distinct hands-on collaborative virtual reality training experiences. These experiences cover industry practices such as dressing in appropriate uniform and PPE before entering the washroom, decontaminating procedures when entering and exiting the processing facility, and how to operate equipment such as a Whizard Trimmer.
The virtual reality training environments have been recreated digitally from images of real meat processing facilities and industry equipment.

When navigating through each of the experiences, users are provided with written and verbal instructions, diagrams and videos to provide clues on how to proceed and complement the learning experience.

Think Digital CEO Kat Bidstrup and Founder Tim Gentle presented at the inaugural AMPC Innovation Showcase where they demonstrated the collaborative AMPC VR training experiences as well as provided the opportunity for attendees to explore the XR experiences for themselves.