The bread and butter of Think Digital is developing VR and AR training for agriculture. From Virtual Tours, to interactive VR to AR training simulations. It’s important to observe how other industries are developing XR training solutions and learn from them.
Next Frontier of Work-based learning
Deloitte used a VR experience to give employees an experience of the movie set to create a sense of community and understand what it is like to be in the space. A simple concept of “beaming staff” to a job site they might not get the chance to do in real life.
Augmented Workforce Onboarding
Training was a stream I am always interested in following, attending the Industrial Metaverse – Building the factories and workforce of the future, where there the panel believe there is huge variety between companies getting started, to fully deployed in Immersive training. But they all agreed VR made people feel safer, that the learner journey never ends. Some organisations are embracing it for early start employees and some presenting it as captured knowledge. Human Resources (recruitment and training) + Plant Management (technical skills), with Kinsestic skills (learn by doing) training boosting retention figures of 70%, coumpare to reading 5% and lecture 3%
A takeaway from Houston, We Have an Inflection Point: The Rise of Spatial Collaboration was that the first person desktop/flatscreen user is the unsung hero. That we should still deliver experiences for them So training still hase up to 70% of users engaing in XR training on a flatscreen.
It was good to meet Joe, from Haptx and try on their gear. His presentation of Humans Today, Robots tomorrow was very interesting and I walked away with the key knowledge that he is a firm believer that touch reinforces knowledge in the learning journey.

Business and universities are using MR for a deeper sense of social presence, which leads to deeper sense of learning. Trainers get to demonstrate dangerous scenarios and at the same time save time and money. Practice anytime, anywhere
Lufthansa are using Quest devices as scalable replica to the physical training and Purdue Global (Nurse Training) used VT for skills training to a country wide dispersed audience allowing them to practice anytime, anywhere. These solution was completely scalable.
It was important to test, test and test again, iterative training even down to heat mats to monitor head scan
Immersive Learning Design Process
When creating XR Training, we can apply the following design thinking process.

I learnt about the CDC – Mining – VR Mine Rescue Training Platform – NIOSH and how they used Mobile Scanner LiDAR to create the mines
Design Thinking
- What problems are we solving?
- Are we building levels of influence?
- Is it a day in the life of a person?