Australian Eggs launches Virtual Biosecurity training tool!

Egg producers across Australia can now access a free biosecurity induction tool thanks to an innovative training experience developed by Australian Eggs with Think Digital.

With biosecurity issues always front and mind for modern producers, it’s imperative that training should be consistent, easy to use and streamlined. With the challenge set by Australian Eggs for training to be innovative, engaging and easy to access, the scene was set for us to develop an immersive virtual tour.

In order to ensure the interactive elements included key learning outcomes, we incorporated an inbuilt learning assessment feature.

Making sure all new staff understand about biosecurity is one of the most important inductions undertaken on farms.

However it can also be very time consuming when there is high staff turnover or seasonal workers. This is why Think Digital has partnered up with Australian Eggs to develop an intuitive and easy-to-use virtual biosecurity training tool to optimise and streamline the biosecurity induction experience!

“We always want to make sure that new employees have a really good understanding of biosecurity before they get onto a farm. I see this tour being really valuable with our onboarding and induction process.”

— Jessica Spencer (Poultry Welfare Manager, Australian Eggs)

When Australian Eggs reached out to Think Digital, they asked the question: “how can we innovate the training experience?”. As agricultural immersive technology innovators, we had the answer — an interactive virtual tour! More specifically, a virtual tour that incorporates 360 scenes from an egg production facility, interactive elements that teach the learner about biosecurity, and an inbuilt learning assessment feature!

“It’s important that immersive educational experiences intended for a rural workforce can be accessed across platforms such as mobile and desktop. This extends the reach exponentially.”

— Tim Gentle (Founder, Think Digital)

It’s been proven in the classroom that a virtual tour can engage with the learner 30% more than traditional training methods such as a PowerPoint presentation or a video. A 360 virtual tour is particularly effective for biosecurity training — 2D learning methods only allow the learner to look in one direction, while a 360 virtual tour enables them to observe the entire environment. As an egg producer, it is imperative to understand what is happening in their entire environment!

“The tool is an interactive application that visually identifies key areas on the farm that pose potential biosecurity risks and assesses understanding of key concepts via a multiple-choice questionnaire.”

— Rowan McMonnies (Managing Director, Australian Eggs)

This virtual biosecurity training tool is free for everyone to use. To check out this exciting, innovative tool, visit the ‘for farmers’ page of the Australian Eggs website. Check it out today!

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