You can now apply for a federal grant to have FarmVR agricultural virtual reality experiences to come to your agricultural show!
As part of a commitment to support Australian farming communities, the Federal Government has pledged $20 million to help with the staging of regional agricultural shows for decades to come.
Agriculture Minister Senator Bridget McKenzie said “agricultural shows are part of our national identity and significant cultural and economic contributors to hundreds of communities across Australia.”

Among other things, grants can be used for AgShow attractions such as agricultural virtual reality exhibits, like Think.Digital’s FarmVR and events activation.
FarmVR activations combine innovative modern technologies with agricultural experiences to teach children and adults alike about farming, food & fibre as well as inspiring future career pathways.
Delivered in a trade stand or aboard our 14-metre-long high tech digital Coach, we can showcase our interactive Sheep Shearing Simulator, and VR experiences spanning industries such as sheep & wool, dairy, forestry, aquaculture and pork (just to name a few).
Our team has been attending exciting events in the past few months, such as the Royal Hobart Show, Loxton Show and Yorke Peninsula Field Days, sharing our immersive experiences and interactive Sheep Shearing Simulator to give kids a taste of agriculture, inspiring them to consider a career in food and fibre.

Recent FarmVR Event Activations:
Loxton Show
Think Digital was engaged to present at the 100th annual Loxton Show 2019, held in the South Australian Riverland over the October Long Weekend. We ran activation specific to the Riverland region, including the FarmVR highlight reel which allows participants to explore multiple different farms and facilities across Australia producing commodities like pigs, sheep, pearl, dairy, sugar, sustainable pine plantations. Over the single day we attended, 130 people engaged with our activation.
Royal Adelaide Show
As part of a sponsorship with Spring Gully Foods, we set up a stand at the Royal Adelaide Show; an annual agricultural event run over 10 days in South Australia with 500,000+ attendees experiencing animals, rides, food, entertainment and more. We were located in the Golden Grains Pavilion which aims to connect people with where their food comes from, telling the stories behind grain and other commodities such as honey. We ran a VR experience called Honey on Toast, which takes the viewer on a journey through the production of bread and honey and how it comes to be on your plate. In addition to this, stall visitors were also able to engage in our tractor ride and wheat harvesting experience. Over the 10 days, a total of 2,866 people came through our activation.
YP Field Days
During September of 2019, the Think Digital team attended the Yorke Peninsula Field Days event in Paskeville, SA, with over 30,000 attendees and a major focus on showcasing agriculture and the future. Sponsored by Australian Wool Innovations, we ran interactive experiences in the Murray Allen Sheep & Wool Pavillion over the 3-day show. Around 400 visitors were able to immerse themselves in our FarmVR experience –showcasing the Sheep Shearing Simulator, along with the Lamb Paddock to Plate and Sheep Shearing at Oak Hill simulations. We engaged with students, farmers and shearers, as well as rural and urban families.
For more information and to apply for a grant, click here. Applications close on 13 December 2019.
Click here to read more about the funding initiative and view the Prime Minister’s initial media release.