Using XR to solve problems in the Meat Processing Industry

Think Digital has collaborated with AMPC (Australian Meat Processor Corporation), the specialist R&D provider for meat processors in Australia, to improve biosecurity practices across the meat processing industry using collaborative virtual reality to train their staff. To combat challenges faced…

A star is born! Or in this case, two.

What sets a Think Digital Studios experience apart is that we create stories with people on the ground, doing the work, who have the knowledge and street cred. There’s no point paying an actor when the key objective is to…

VR a Game Changer for Health Training

Student experiencing HealthConnectVR virtual reality experience

While agriculture, food & fibre is our passion, we also have a very big soft spot for health. We love and value our ongoing relationship with Connect ‘n’ Grow in Queensland – see the article below soon to be featured…

Virtual Reality Large Animal Handling Simulator

Large Animal Handling in VR

Our team has a strong connection to the land, and as it plays out to the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy College campus, as well. Our CEO Kat Bidstrup was lucky enough to grow up on a property once owned by The…

Hygiene Tips for Virtual Reality Users


Like many businesses, here at Think Digital we have had to re-orient ourselves with the unfolding outbreak and ongoing impact that the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the world. Our team was all set to attend the Royal Easter Show in Sydney…